The lab flotation machine is to mix the air and pulp sufficient,the other side is to agitate the pulp with chemical reagents as well as thinning the bubbles.The ore particles stick on the bubbles by the chemical reagents and float to the surface of the pulp and then become the forth and scraped by the scrapper.Structure and Material,It can be used for non ferrous metals like copper,lead,zinc,molybdenum and gold,black metals and non-metals for roughing and cleaning flotation,Our lab flotation cell have three types:LZFD(Impeller have only two speeds)LZFDII(Impeller is frequency conversion stepless speed regulation0-2800r/min)LZFDIII(Impeller is frequency conversion stepless speed controls warm0-2800r/min and ore pulp can adjust temperature control 0-65℃)
型号规格 Model |
容积Volume |
叶轮直径Impeller Diameter |
叶轮转Impeller speed |
处理量Capacity |
叶轮Impeller |
刮板Scraper |
重量Weight |
LZFD-0.5L |
0.5L |
45mm |
2590/2340r/min |
125g |
90W |
14W |
30kg |
LZFD-0.75L |
0.75L |
45mm |
2590/2340r/min |
187g |
90W |
14W |
30kg |
1L |
55mm |
2100/1900r/min |
250g |
90W |
14W |
30kg |
LZFD-1.5L |
1.5L |
60mm |
1910/1750r/min |
400g |
90W |
14W |
35kg |
3L |
70mm |
1890/1708r/min |
375g |
250W |
14W |
50kg |
公司专业制造实验室及生产用选矿设备宋渝 生产实验单槽浮选机,XFD浮选机,变频单槽浮选机,温控浮选机,试验浮选机,实验用浮选设备,试验小型浮选机,小型矿用浮选机,XFDII浮选机,XFDIII多功能浮选机,实验自吸式浮选机,试验充气式浮选机,有机玻璃槽体,绿洲选矿设备是专业生产矿山机械的厂家,公司产品在不断研发,不断改进,促使公司大部分产品远销加拿大,澳大利亚,德国,南非,尼日利亚,智利,阿根廷,印尼,俄罗斯,印度,坦桑尼亚越南,马来西亚等国,公司拥有专业的矿石化验实验室,可安排流程设计,选矿设备选型,以及矿山机械安装团队,欢迎前来实地考察与认证。