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产 品: 浏览次数:404德国药芯焊丝 
型 号: 齐全 
规 格: 齐全 
品 牌: 德国药芯焊丝 
单 价: 面议 
最小起订量: 10 公斤 
供货总量: 5000 公斤
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
更新日期: 2013-06-11  有效期至:长期有效

德国drahtzug STEIN公司成立于1847年,公司从1996年开始致力于药芯焊丝,金属粉芯焊丝等生产销售。目前

上海萨福特焊材工贸有限公司作为drahtzug STEIN在中国大陆的**指定合作商,诚邀全国广大客户,经销商洽谈合作。

Megafil Rutile FCW Wires

Type                       EN /AWS /  ASME      Application
Megafil 713R T 46 2 (4)P C(M) 1 H5

E 71 T-1
Micro- Alloy rutile flux-cored wire with rapidly solidefying slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix. Excellent weld puddle manipulation, thus superior all-postion welding also at higher currents. Using temperature up to -40C. Particulary suited for MAG-orbital welding and all-position welding on ceramic backing. Low spatter loss, easy slag removal.

Shipbuilding, steel and pressure vessel construction, mechanical engineering and pipe work.
Megafil 781R T 46 A Z P C(M) 1 H5

E 81 T1-G
Micro- Alloy rutile flux-cored wire with rapidly solidefying slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix. Excellent weld puddle manipulation, thus superior all-postion welding. Particulary suited for mechanized MAG welding and all-position welding on ceramic backing. Low spatter loss, easy slag removal.

Weathering grades of steels.
Megafil 822R T 50 6 1Ni P M1 H5
T 46 4 1Ni P C1 H5

E 81 T1-Ni1
Micro- Alloy rutile flux-cored wire with rapidly solidefying slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix. Excellent weld puddle manipulation, thus superior all-postion welding. Using temperature up to -60C. Particularly suited for MAG orbital welding applications and all-position welding on ceramic backing.  Low spatter loss, easy slag removal. CTOD-tested for offshore applications.

Shipbuilding, steel and pressure vessel construction, mechanical engineering and pipe work.
Megafil 825R T 46 A P M1 H5

E 81T1-A1
Micro-alloy rutile flux-cored wire with rapidly solidfying slag for Ar-C02 mix.
Excellent weld puddle manipulation, thus superior all-postion welding.
Particulary suited for mechanized MAG welding and all-position welding on ceramic backing. Low spatter loss, easy slag removal.

Shipbuilding, steel and pressure vessel construction, mechanical engineering and pipe work.
Megafil 836R T CrMo 1 P M 1 H5

E 81 T1-B2
Still in research
Megafil 690R T 69 6 Mn2,5Ni P M 2 H5 E 110 T5-K4 Micro- Alloy rutile flux-cored wire with rapidly solidefying slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix. Excellent weld puddle manipulation, thus superior all-postion welding. Using temperature up to -60C. Particularly suited for MAG orbital welding applications and all-position welding on ceramic backing.  Low spatter loss, easy slag removal. Recomended for offshore applications that requires yield strenght up to 690 N/mm2.
Approved by LLoyds (4Y69) and DNV.
(The first and only seamless fluxcored rutile wire for StE 690 on the marked ! )

Megafil Basic FCW Wires

Type                EN / AWS / ASME    Application / properties
Megafil 731 B T 46 4 M M 1 H5 E 70 C-6M
E 71 T-1
High-basicity flux-cored wire with slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix.
Extremely crack resistant weld metal conditioned by the basic slag. High mechanical properties are easily obtained when used in singel sided welding operations using a ceramic back-up. Weld X-ray quality with low spatter formation. Ideal metalurgical choice for repair welding and production as well as for use as a buffer layer.
Shipbuilding, steel and vessel contruction, pipe work
Megafil 735 B T 46 2 Mo M M 1H5 E 81 T1-A1
E 80 C - G
High-basicity flux-cored wire with slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix.
Extremely crack resistant weld metal conditioned by the basic slag in combination with the very low hydrogen content. Well suited for the economic joining of high temperature resistant Mo-steels up to 500C.
Weld X-ray quality with low spatter formation.
Shipbuilding, steel and vessel construction, mechanical engineering and pipe work
Megafil 736 B T CrMo 1 M M 1 H5 E 80 T5-B2 High-basicity flux-cored wire with slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix.
Extremely crack resistant weld metal conditioned by the basic slag in combination with the very low hydrogen content. Well suited for the economic joining of high temperature resistant Mo-steels up to 550C.
Weld X-ray quality with low spatter formation.
Shipbuilding, steel and vessel construction, mechanical engineering and pipe work
Megafil 737 B T 50 4 Z M M 1 H5 E 81 T1-G
E 80 C-G
High-basicity flux-cored wire with slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix.
Extremely crack resistant weld metal conditioned by the basic slag in combination with the very low hydrogen content. Well suited for the economic joining of high temperature and compressed hydrogen resistant 2,25 Cr 1MO steels. Meets requirements of step cooling by very low weld metal contaminations.
Pressure vessels, chemical apparatus and steam-turbine construction.
Megafil 838 B T 50 41NiMoMM1H5 E 91 T1-G
E 80 C-G
High-basicity flux-cored wire with slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix.
Extremely crack resistant weld metal conditioned by the basic slag in combination with the very low hydrogen content. Well suited for the economic joining of high temperature resistant hydrogen CrMoV-steels up to 550C. Weld X-ray quality with low spatter formation.
Foundries, production welding.
Megafil 740 B T 55 6 Z M M 1 H5 E 91 T1-G
E 80 C-G
High-basicity flux-cored wire with slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix.
Extremely crack resistant weld metal conditioned by the basic slag in combination with the very low hydrogen content. Well suited for the economic joining of high temperature resistant fine grain structural steels. Weld X-ray quality with low spatter formation. Uniform weld, easy slag release.
Cranes, vessels and apparatus construction, foundries
Megafil 741 B T 69 6 Z M M 1H5 E 111 T1-G
E 110 C-G
High-basicity flux-cored wire with slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix.
Extremely crack resistant weld metal conditioned by the basic slag in combination with the very low hydrogen content. Well suited for the economic joining of high temperature resistant fine grain structural steels. Weld X-ray quality with low spatter formation. Uniform weld, easy slag release.
Cranes, vessels and apparatus construction, foundries
Megafil 742 B T 69 4Mn2NiCrMoMM 1H5 E 111 T1 - K4 High-basicity flux-cored wire with slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix.
Extremely crack resistant weld metal conditioned by the basic slag in combination with the very low hydrogen content. Well suited for the economic joining of high strength resistant and cryogenic fine grain structural steels with Rp0,2 > 690N/mm?. Weld X-ray quality with low spatter formation. Stable mechanical property &#118alues of weld metal, also in case of high input of heat up to 18kJ/cm.
Cranes, automobile, equipment, vessels and apparatus construction, foundries.
Megafil 745 B T 89 4 Z M M 1 H5 E 120 T1-G
E 110 C-G
High-basicity flux-cored wire with slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix.
Extremely crack resistant weld metal conditioned by the basic slag in combination with the very low hydrogen content. Well suited for the economic joining of high strength temperature resistant and cryogenic fine grain structural steels with Rp0,2 > 890N/mm?. Weld X-ray quality with low spatter formation. Stable mechanical property &#118alues of weld metal, also in case of high input of heat up to 15kJ/cm.
Cranes, automobile, equipment, vessels and apparatus construction, foundries.
Megafil 807 B T 89 4 Z M M 1 H5 E 120 T1-G
E 110 C-G
High-basicity flux-cored wire with slag for C02 and Ar-Co2 mix.
Extremely crack resistant weld metal conditioned by the basic slag in combination with the very low hydrogen content. Well suited for the economic joining of high strength temperature resistant fine grain structural steels with Rp0,2 > 890N/mm?. Weld X-ray quality with low spatter formation. Stable mechanical property &#118alues of weld metal, also in case of high input of heat up to 15kJ/cm. The MEGAFIL 807 B has a heat treatable weld metal.
Cranes, automobile, equipment, vessels and apparatus construction, foundries.

Megafil Metalcore FCW

Type                EN / AWS / ASME Toepassing
Megafil 710M T 46 4 M M 1 H5 E 70 C-6M
E 71 T-1
Metal powder cored wire without slag for Ar-C02 mix.
Good arc restrinking even with cold wire tip, thus beeing suitable for robot applications. Multi-pass welding without in-between cleaning.
Ideal for use in the field short arc and spray arc. Excellent gap bridging for root welding.

Shipbuilding, steel and pressure vessel construction, mechanical engineering and pipe work.
Megafil 235M T 46 2 Mo M M 1H5

E 81 T1-A1
E 80 C-G
Metal powder cored wire without slag for Ar-C02 mix.
Good arc restrinking even with cold wire tip, thus beeing suitable for robot applications.Multi-pass welding without in-between cleaning.
Ideal for use in the field short arc and spray arc. Excellent gap bridging for root welding. High- efficiency type for economic production environments.

Vessel and steel construction, mechanical engineering and pipe work.
Megafil 236M T CrMo 1 M M 1 H5

Metal powder cored wire without slag for Ar-C02 mix.
Good arc restrinking even with cold wire tip, thus beeing suitable for robot applications.Multi-pass welding without in-between cleaning.
Ideal for use in the field short arc and spray arc. Excellent gap bridging for root welding. High- efficiency type for economic production environments.

Vessel and steel construction, mechanical engineering and pipe work.
Megafil 240M T 50 4 Z M M 1 H5

E 81 T1-G
E 80 C-G
Metal powder cored wire without slag for Ar-C02 mix.
Good arc restrinking even with cold wire tip, thus beeing suitable for robot applications.Multi-pass welding without in-between cleaning.
Ideal for use in the field short arc and spray arc. Excellent gap bridging for root welding. High- efficiency type for economic production environments.

Crane, steel, vessels and apparatus construction.
Megafil 741M T 50 4 1NiMo M M 1 H5

E 91 T1-G
E 80 C-G
Metal powder cored wire without slag for Ar-C02 mix.
Good arc restrinking even with cold wire tip, thus beeing suitable for robot applications.Multi-pass welding without in-between cleaning.
Ideal for use in the field short arc and spray arc. Excellent gap bridging for root welding. High- efficiency type for economic production environments.

Crane, steel, vessels and apparatus construction.
Megafil 940M T 55 6 Z M M 1 H5

E 91 T1-G
E 80 C-G
Medium-alloy, high-strength metal powder flux-cored wire without slag for Ar-C02 mix.
Good arc restrinking even with cold wire tip, thus beeing suitable for robot applications.Multi-pass welding without in-between cleaning.
Ideal for use in the field short arc and spray arc. Excellent gap bridging for root welding. High- efficiency type for economic production environments.

Shipbuilding, crane, steel, vessels and apparatus construction.
Megafil 250M T 69 6 Z M M 1H5

E 111 T1-G
E 110 C-G
Medium-alloy, high-strength metal powder flux-cored wire without slag for Ar-C02 mix.Good arc restrinking even with cold wire tip, thus beeing suitable for robot applications.Multi-pass welding without in-between cleaning.
Ideal for use in the field short arc and spray arc. Excellent gap bridging for root welding. High- efficiency type for economic production environments.

Shipbuilding, crane, steel, vessels and apparatus construction.
Megafil 742M T 69 4 Mn2NiCrMo M M 1H5

E 111 T1 - K4
Metal powder flux-cored wire without slag for Ar-C02 mix.Good arc restrinking even with cold wire tip, thus beeing suitable for robot applications.Multi-pass welding without in-between cleaning.
Ideal for use in the field short arc and spray arc. Excellent gap bridging for root welding. High- efficiency type for economic production environments.

Crane, steel, vessels and apparatus construction.
Megafil 807M T 89 4 Z M M 1 H5

E 120 T1-G
E 110 C-G
Metal powder flux-cored wire without slag for Ar-C02 mix.Good arc restrinking even with cold wire tip, thus beeing suitable for robot applications.Multi-pass welding without in-between cleaning.
Ideal for use in the field short arc and spray arc. Excellent gap bridging for root welding. High- efficiency type for economic production environments. Weld metal is heat treatable.

Crane, steel, vessels and apparatus construction.
Megafil 1100M T 89 4 Z M M 1 H5

E 120 T1-G
E 110 C-G
Metal powder flux-cored wire without slag for Ar-C02 mix.Good arc restrinking even with cold wire tip, thus beeing suitable for robot applications.Multi-pass welding without in-between cleaning.
Ideal for use in the field short arc and spray arc. Excellent gap bridging for root welding. High- efficiency type for economic production environments.

Crane, steel, vessels and apparatus construction.

